Xilinx AXI Stream tutorial - Part 1
Hi, In this series of articles, I am going to present the design of an AXI4-Stream master. As I often do in my tutorials, I will try to show the design procedure for the block, starting from a “bare bones” solution and gradually adding features to it. Xilinx provides a wide range of AXI peripherals/IPs from which to choose. My purpose in making my own block was to learn the protocol ‘hands-on’. As a side effect, this tutorial provides you with a (synthesizable) AXI4 Stream master which I have not seen provided by Xilinx. The closest IP provided by Xilinx, that I know of, is an AXI memory mapped to AXI stream block. Continue reading...
Using a generic bit count and a fixed set of tap points in the delay chain doesn't guaranty a high quality and long running pseudo random number. It would be better to implement the polynomials from Xilinx XAPP 052 and select the table entry by a specified bit count. You can find such an implementation here: https://github.com/VLSI-EDA/PoC/blob/master/src/arith/arith_prng.vhdl